Translation as a metaphor




Language, Philosophy, Translation, Presence, Subjectivity


Walter Benjamin, in 1923, wrote “The Task of the Translator”, in which he describes the translator’s endeavour and argues that this task is more complex than the quest of equivalence between two texts. Meanwhile, Emmanuel Levinas, in his 1962 lecture “The Metaphor”, claims that, when it comes to metaphorizing, one must look beyond similarity. From both visions, this essay intends to show how these two authors have had common ground on their conception of language, its evolution, and the mystery it holds. And proposes that the translation of literary works finds its foundation in the metaphor to account for the difference of each language as otherness, and how the translator must allow himself or herself to be destabilized by the foreign language, to give survival to the original, and, simultaneously aim for an ethic of the other in their task.


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Author Biography

Diana Álvarez-Mejía, Universidad Iberoamericana. Departamento de Arte / Colegio de Saberes

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México and in Art History from Universidad Iberoamericana. She holds a Master’s degree in “Saberes sobre Subjetividad y Violencia”, and is currently studying for a specialty in Psychoanalytical Practice, both from Colegio de Saberes. She has published in en Errancia. Revista de Psicoanálisis, Teoría Crítica y Cultura “Julio Ruelas: una aproximación a lo ominoso a partir de su obra artística” (2019), and co-translated from Portuguese into Spanish with Marco Antonio Bojórquez “Ejercicios para una Idea” by Hilda Hilst in Revista Altazor (2020) and “Siete cantos del poeta para el Ángel” by the same author in the magazine Mallarmagens Revista de poesia e arte contemporânea (2021). She has published a series of poems: De fuego y espacio (2019) and Acontecimientos (2020) in Revista Primera Página as well as the text: “Otro, tiempo y muerte: un diálogo entre Hilda Hilst y Emmanuel Lévinas” (2021) in the book Letras latinoamericanas inadvertidas of the collection Lecturas de Sileno published by the Universidad Iberoamericana. Currently, she is a specialist in Graphic Works in the Modern and Contemporary Art Department at Morton Subastas. She has published Me mataría en marzo poems chapbook by Hilda Hilst translated into Spanish in 2021 by Librería Escandalar publishing house.


Benjamin, Walter. “La tarea del traductor.” En Angelus novus, traducido por H. A. Maurena, 127–143. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1971.

Levinas, Emmanuel. “La metáfora.” En Escritos Inéditos 2: Palabra y silencio y otros escritos, editado por Rodolphe Calin y Catherine Chalier, traducido por Miguel García-Baró y Mercedes Huarte, 209–222. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2015.



How to Cite

Álvarez-Mejía, Diana. 2022. “Translation As a Metaphor”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3 (2):62-67.
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