International Law of Cultural Rights




Cultural rights, International cultural rights law, Education


In the United Mexican States, as a consequence of the constitutional reform on cultural matters in 2009, it was established that “everyone has the right to freely practice their cultural rights”. Furthermore, since the entry into force of the constitutional reform on Human rights in 2011, absolute rights and fundamental freedoms are uplifted, which implies a turning point in legal science since the State has now the constitutional obligation to realign the domestic laws with the International Human Rights Law, particularly regarding cultural matters. The latter alongside the international law of cultural rights to guarantee the effectiveness of the rights that are present in a cultural community.


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Author Biography

Erika Flores-Déleon, Instituto Internacional de Derecho Cultural y Desarrollo Sustentable, México

Graduated from the Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales, Facultad de Economía y Empresa, and the Facultad de Derecho of the Universidad de Barcelona. She holds a Master of Laws degree by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and a PhD in Law by the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas of UNAM with the dissertation El nuevo paradigma constitucional de los derechos culturales en México. She is lecture in the Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, and the President of the Instituto Internacional de Derecho Cultural y Desarrollo Sustentable, IDC Cultura.  

She has given several conferences, courses, and has worked in various states in Mexico, the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, just as some other countries in the European Union. 

Currently, she is working as an International consultant in Human Rights, Cultural Rights, Politics and Cultural Responsiveness. Director of the collection “Lecciones de Derecho Cultural”, author of many books and articles published by national and international editorials and magazines. Promoter of the new cultural-legal model from the human rights perspective; titleholder of the  CURE® CULTURALMENTE RESPONSABLE® seals, ®; Secretaria de Arte y Cultura del Cuerpo Diplomático de Derechos Humanos, Niños, Mujeres, Hombres y Migrantes, A.C., head of the cultural section of the online TV show supported by Comunicaciones Internacionales in collaboration with IDC Cultura. 


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How to Cite

Flores-Déleon, Erika. 2020. “International Law of Cultural Rights”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 2 (1):69-77.
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