A Lark in Paradise





Language, Dante, Comedia, Justice, Figure of speech, Metapoetry


The matter of language, its origin, power and limit, its modulation as metapoetry emerges especially in the third cantiche of the Comedia in which this issue surfaces in the representation of the subjectivity of Dante-pilgrim character and Dante-author, in the representation of the subjectivity of the blessed souls, and in the many lyric images or metaphors that build its poetic space.


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Author Biography

Pablo Williams

Pablo Williams is a literary critic and a translator. He has published works on iconography, Latin, Italian, and French literature, as well as translations of poetry and essays in several languages in specialized books and journals. He has given courses and lectures on Dante at UNLP, UNGS, the Academia Nacional de Ciencias, the Universidad Andina de Quito and at Museo Malba. He has taught about History and Iconography of Melancholy, on The Sublime, and on the works of Dante, Shakespeare, Hölderlin, Rilke and Aby Warbur at Fundación Centro Psicoanalítico Argentino and other institutions.


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How to Cite

Williams, Pablo. 2021. “A Lark in Paradise”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3 (1):48-56. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesa.figuras.2021.3.1.179.
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