The Needed University of the 21st Century by Pablo González Casanova




Programmed society, Post-industrial society, Universalism, Acceptations of truth


The purpose of this critique is to propose a reading of the book of essays La universidad necesaria en el siglo XXI by Pablo González Casanova based on the progession of the theoretical development observed in sociology, which has incorporated value systems into theoretical knowledge, thus restructuring social theory and the nature of dichotomy between the particular and the universal by proposing a libertarian university model encountering the neoliberal domination in higher education.


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Author Biography

  • Miguel Ángel Mata-Salazar, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Professor of Communication at FES Acatlán, and in Sociology, and Communication and Journalism at FES Aragón.


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González Casanova, Pablo. 1976. Sociología de la explotación, México: Siglo XXI.

González Casanova, Pablo. 1958. Estudio de la Técnica Social. México, México: UNAM.

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  • Abstract 403
  • PDF (Spanish) 179
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  • ePub (Spanish) 18





Critiques (Resonances)

How to Cite

“The Needed University of the 21st Century by Pablo González Casanova”. 2022. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3 (3): 136-41.
