The indigenous religiosity and the original sin

Marialba Pastor. Los pecados de la carne en el Nuevo Mundo. La visión española del indio americano. Barcelona: Crítica, 2021.




Intellectual history, Historiography, Conquest and Evangelization


This review of the book Los pecados de la carne en el Nuevo Mundo. La visión española del indio americano by Marialba Pastor seeks to analyze how the author addresses the intellectual process which shaped and gave content to the taxonomy of the prehispanic gods during the first half of the 16th Century, first among the conquerors and colonial administrators, and then to the religious sources (Franciscan and Dominican). Likewise, reviews the way in which the text presents the transcendence of the partial approaches focused on the formation of an institutional order and the origin of the Creole identities. In this way, through this review it will be shown the contribution that the work of Pastor has in the anthropological and historiographical studies related to the vision that the Spanish used to have about the Americans during the conquest.


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Author Biography

  • Daniel Altbach Pérez, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    He holds a bachelor’s degree in History, a Masters and Ph.D. degree in Mesoamerican Studies, all of them by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He is a Ternured Professor in the History major at Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán (FES Acatlán-UNAM), institution in which he is making a postdoctoral stay.

    His research areas are the studies of the Mesoamerican myths, the constitution processes of the prehispanic religion of the 16th and 17th centuries, and the history of anthropology.


Bloch, Marc, 2021. Apología para la historia o el oficio de historiador, 2ª ed., prefacio de Jacques Le Goff. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Pastor, Marialba, 2021. Los pecados de la carne en el Nuevo Mundo. La visión española del indio americano. Barcelona: Crítica.

  • Abstract 334
  • PDF (Spanish) 129
  • Visor XML (Spanish) 192
  • ePub (Spanish) 18





Critiques (Resonances)

How to Cite

“The Indigenous Religiosity and the Original Sin: Marialba Pastor. Los Pecados De La Carne En El Nuevo Mundo. La visión española Del Indio Americano. Barcelona: Crítica, 2021”. 2023. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 4 (3): 194-200.
