Dynamics of the oaxacan oral tradition: “El mito del pez dorado” and the Monte Alban treasure’s discovery





Monte Alban, Dynamics of the oral tradition, Myths, Critical theory, Superstition


The objective of the present article is to ameliorate the dissemination and access to the cultural heritage contained in the Museo de las Culturas, Oaxaca, Mexico based on a research of the critical theory of Frankfurt School, with which a precise datum was examined: the discovery of the treasure of grave 7 in Monte Alban. This approach provides new information concerning collective thinking that oaxacan society imbued in 1932.

The consulted literature were stories, myths, and fables that arose as a consequence of the Monte Alban treasure; moreover, interesting results emerged after examining an antique myth known as “pez dorado” and it was detected how it was modified in order to give a current significance to the aforementioned event, published in American journals.


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Author Biography

  • Miguel Ángel Mesinas Nicolás, National Institute of Anthropology and History

    Bachelor’s degree in international relations by the Universidad "José Vasconcelos”, master’s student of Cultural management at Universidad “Benito Juárez”, both from Oaxaca, México. Currently working for the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

    Professor at cultural management and sustainable development, as well as international relations major. He has published in scientific dissemination journals with cultural, cultural rights, international regimes, museology, and cultural heritage.


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Research articles (Perspectives)

How to Cite

“Dynamics of the Oaxacan Oral Tradition: ‘El Mito Del Pez dorado’ and the Monte Alban treasure’s Discovery”. 2023. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 5 (1): 24-47. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesa.26832917e.2023.5.1.292.
