Prevention and Business Leadership: Keys to Continuity in the Absence of Executive Directors
Risk, Executive Director, artificial intelligenceAbstract
Currently, companies are led by a director or department heads who guide their development and address potential problems. However, given the possible absence of these leaders, it is crucial to have solutions in place for a potential catastrophic scenario. For this reason, preventive measures may include key person insurance to facilitate management during the absence of executives. It is also advisable to designate individuals who can assume leadership from the company's inception.
The methods used in this research were deductive, starting from general aspects of the company and narrowing down to specific details regarding the replacement of executives. The documentary method was also employed, utilizing electronic sources and laws applicable to the issue. Additionally, the technique of natural observation was applied to businesses, such as automated self-service stores with standardized and controlled processes. Furthermore, I believe the Nonaka-Takeuchi method is applicable, as it formalizes understanding through the conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, integrated with Artificial Intelligence.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Roberto Sanromán-Aranda
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