Mexican Sex Comedy and Spanish Destape: two ways of understanding sexual freedom in a hedonistic consumer culture




Sexual Freedom, exploitation cinema, Mexican sex comedy and Spanish destape, consumer culture, sexploitation


This article presents a critical investigation into sexual freedoms in the context of a Western capitalist society during the 1970s. The text explores the phenomenon of sexploitation cinema, which exploited female sexuality to present it as a low-cost, high-demand product.

Two cases are presented: Mexican sex Comedy cinema in Mexico and 'destape cinema' in Spain, two examples that demonstrate how these films played with the notion of sexual liberation while in reality the exploitation of the female body was perpetuated. The political context in which both genres developed also highlights significant differences, even though they adhered to a capitalist consumer logic, as they elicited distinct social reactions."


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Author Biography

  • Valente Alberto Contreras-Romero, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán

    He holds a Bachelor's and master’s degree in History from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM) and pursued doctoral studies in Contemporary Latin America at the Complutense University and Instituto Ortega y Gasset in Madrid, Spain. Currently, he is a permanent adjunct professor for the course "20th-21st Universal History" in the History program at Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán (UNAM) and an interim Level "A" professor for "Contemporary Theories of Democracy" in the Political Science and Public Administration program at the same institution.

    He has published the book Historia del Nacionalismo Occitano en Francia (FES Acatlán, UNAM, 2013) and won first place in the postgraduate thesis category at the XVIII Certamen Estatal de Investigación y Ensayo Político it Instituto Electoral del Estado de México in 2015. His articles have been featured in journals such as Estudios Políticos de la UNAM, Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas de la Universidad de Galicia, España, and Cultura y Poder de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. His research interests include nationalism, social movements, democracy, and 20th-century world history. He has taught courses at the UNAM and participated in conferences in Mexico and Spain related to his areas of study.


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Review article

How to Cite

“Mexican Sex Comedy and Spanish Destape: Two Ways of Understanding Sexual Freedom in a Hedonistic Consumer Culture”. 2025. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 6 (2): 63-85.
