Semantic uses of the category πρᾶξις (prâxis) in three Aristotelian manuscripts
Aristotle, poiesis, translation, transferal, praxisAbstract
On the basis of a study about the semantic uses of the category πράξις (Praxis), which predominates in Greek and in the Spanish translations within three manuscripts of Greek philosopher Aristotle, we could shed light on a problematic aspect of interpretation. This problem occurs when the context of significance of Praxis is modified or changed while passing from the original Hellenic into Spanish.
Therefore, this article draws the attention to the resignificance process by which the referred term used by Aristotle goes through when translated into Spanish, due to concepts that have a Latin context of significance different from Greek. It also draws attention to some of the consequences derived from that phenomenon, for instance, when the key concept is integrated into the poiesis field. The approach consists of locating the word Praxis in one of the theories that gave rise to that word in the Western tradition (referring in this case to the Aristotelian thought) and then showing how its contents are modified in various translations into Spanish.
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