El espejo de Atenea, an approach to the metaphor of vision in María Zambrano





Medusa, Athena, metamorphosis, head, reflection-mirror, memory-reflection, María Zambrano


Behind the curious gaze, fear will always occupy a place to re-ignite the desiring flame, as fire that does not feed on fire, but on wind; thereby, in the hall of astonishment and love, the ones that seem opposite run the universal machinery and rekindle each thing that can be called Nature. As another weaver, Mariana Bernárdez recreates this plot based on two important discursive lines by María Zambrano: Athena’s unveiled gaze before Medusa’s in Medusa y El espejo de Atenea. It is by this way that she manages to confront ourselves with an almost petrifying idea of what implies to peek into the knowledge window and face the fractality drawn by a mirror in front of another: incomprehensible due to its infinite and divine virtue, being the root of universe.


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Author Biography

Mariana Bernárdez-Zapata, Universidad Iberoamericana

Poet and essayist, she undertook postgraduate studies in Philosophy and Modern Languages, specializing in the relationship between poetry and philosophy, addressing in this way a tradition of authors to whom poetry exceeds the efficient and communicative language limits. Her various trades brought her closer to emblematic authors of Mexican contemporary literature such as Dolores Castro, Ramón Xirau, Raúl Renán, among others. By being a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte, within the poetry genre for the 2018-2021 issuance, Mariana has drawn a trajectory that relates poetic creation to the academic and editorial field. Her work has been translated into English, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan and Romanian, standing out among her most recent poetry books: Nervadura del relámpago, 2013; Escríbeme en los ojos, 2013 (translated into Portuguese by Nuno Júdice), Lisboa, 2015; En el pozo de mis ojos, 2015; Aliento, 2017, (translated into Portuguese by Nuno Júdice), Lisboa, 2018.


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Platón. “El banquete.” Diálogos. Madrid: Gredos, 1998 (vol. III).

Ricoeur, Paul. The conflict of interpretations. Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1974.

Xirau, Ramón. Octavio Paz: El sentido de la palabra. México: Joaquín Mortiz, 1970.

Zambrano, María. Claros del bosque. España: Seix Barral, 1977.

—. “De los dioses griegos.” En El hombre y lo divino. México: FCE, 1955.

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How to Cite

Bernárdez-Zapata, Mariana. 2020. “El Espejo De Atenea, an Approach to the Metaphor of Vision in María Zambrano”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 1 (2):70-81. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesa.figuras.2020.1.2.105.
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