The Invention of Hong Kong: one Island, many systems




Hong Kong, People's Republic of China, British colony, One country two systems, democratic deficit, social crisis


The text succinctly narrates the history of Hong Kong from its origins to the present, describing it as a victim of historical and geographical circumstances. Being a territorial extension and an administrative region of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong finds itself between an authoritarian policy and an uncertain future, as British rule legacy, as well as under the constitutional principle One country, two systems with an expiry date to the year 2047.

Moreover, the national identity deficit has led the people of Hong Kong, who enjoy civil liberties in their semi-autonomous condition with regard to the executive government, to a state of widespread discontent and crisis concerning the notion of democracy, autonomy, education, patriotism, national security and economic system.


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Author Biography

Monserrat Loyde

She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (UNAM). She holds a Master of Arts degree in International Relations and International Law from the Instituto Ortega y Gasset-Madrid and a specialization in Cultural Policies (UAM-OEI-CENART).

She has published in the newspaper El Universal, in Letras Libres, Istor, Límulus magazines, in web sites such as Animal Político, El Andén, among others.

She currently lives in Japan and crafts pottery and restores antiquities as well.


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How to Cite

Loyde, Monserrat. 2020. “The Invention of Hong Kong: One Island, Many Systems”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 1 (2):96-105.
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