The metaphor as a thoroughness space




Poetry, science, metaphor, metaphorization, mental scenarios, language instinct, reverie


The thoroughness gesture and the attention to language that metaphor implies, is one of the greatest rational thought foundations. When metaphor comes to be part of written language, it becomes the object of expression of imagination in the exact place of the page. Along these lines, the mind reconfigures itself giving rise to depictions, scenarios and images coming from the relationships between the words employed. By all the latter, I mean that the written word creates what I would call mental and emotional scenarios to think, to play with words and their signification, to recreate phenomena with them and to raise questions. The way in which poetry, through metaphor, stops at the facts and ideas themselves does not really differ from other thinking processes carried out in different intellectual activities. There is even a seeking spirit that, in the case of poets, implies a subjective consciousness and, in the case of scientist, implies an attempt for a total absence of it, which motivates both poets and scientists alike.


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Author Biography

Alicia García-Bergua

Poet and essayist, she was born in Mexico City on September 9, 1954. She also works as an editor and writer of popularization of science texts for the magazine ¿Cómo ves? and as coordinator for the web portal-workshop of creative writing on science dissemination Cienciorama from the Dirección General de Divulgación Científica, UNAM,

She is author of the poetry books Fatigarse entre fantasmas (1991), La anchura de la calle (1996), Una naranja en medio de la tarde (2005); Tramas (2007), El libro de Carlos (2007), Ser y seguir siendo (2013), Salto y sueño (still unpublished) and of the essays book Inmersiones (2009).

She has been member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de México from 2001 to 2007, from 2011 to 2013 and currently.


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How to Cite

García-Bergua, Alicia. 2020. “The Metaphor As a Thoroughness Space”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 1 (3):57-64.
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