The vital intensity of the last stridentist




Stridentism, Avant-Garde, Social vindication, Revolution, Contemporary activity, Pedagogical commitment, Revolutionary theater


Stridentism is the Avant-Garde movement that compiles the longing for social vindication of the post-revolutionary Mexico. Germán List Arzubide (protagonist of Stridentist group) describes the dynamic and ephemeral Mexican Avant-garde movement –due its short life span– through the memorable and enjoyable pages of the book: El movimiento estridentista. He is also the visionary editor of the group, with the establishment and management of the magazines Ser, in Puebla, and Horizonte, in Xalapa, which is the Stridentopolis envisioned by the Stridentists. Throughout his life, List Arzubide took ownership and promoted the transformative tendencies of the moment that placed the group in its social, ethical and communion concerns with the impatience derived from the Revolution. This text recounts List Arzubide's socio-pedagogical work through social theater and puppetry; his bold artistic contributions; his didactic, political and creative vocations. A vital expense of rebellion, as it was always defined, List Arzubide is an example of the integral revolutionist, of the form and the poetic thing, packed between the social battle and the new aesthetics that the 20th century enacted. 


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Author Biography

Daniel Téllez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional-Unidad 096, CDMX Norte

Poet, professor and Stridentism researcher. He has published the poetry books El aire oscuro (2001; 2004), Asidero (2003; 2019), Contrallaveo (2006), Cielo del perezoso (2009), A tiro de piedra (2014), Punto de fuga (2018) and Arena Mestiza (2018). He put together the anthologies Esas distancias de algo (2009), Pasiones desde ring side. Literatura y lucha libre (2011), Raúl Renán. Material de Lectura 207 (2012) and the critical edition of El Pentagrama Eléctrico de Salvador Gallardo (2018).  

He is co-author of more than ten books of literary criticism, poetics, narrative, wrestling and popular topics. His poetic work is compiled in poetry yearbooks, as well as in national and international anthologies. He works with the magazines Luvina, Castálida, Blanco Móvil, Tierra Adentro, Crítica, La Colmena and with Periódico de Poesía, in "La Cultura en México" supplements of the Siempre! Magazine, in "Laberinto" by Milenio Diario and in the Letras Libres blog. He was member of the editorial board of the Tierra Adentro (CONACULTA), Desarrollo Académico (UPN) and Reverso (Jalisco) journals. Scholar and Teaching Coordinator of the Unidad 096 CDMX Norte from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. 


Cueto, Germán. Retrato de Germán List Arzubide. 1923.

List Arzubide, Germán. El movimiento estridentista. México: Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1967 (Cuadernos de Lectura Popular).

—. Esquina. Xalapa: Cicerón, 1924.

—. López Velarde y la Revolución Mexicana. México: Conferencia, 1963.

—. Pushkin, romántico y realista. México: Instituto de Intercambio Cultural Mexicano Ruso, 1955.

—. Tlatoani. Vida del gran señor Nezahualcóyotl. México: Porrúa, 1975.

—. Emiliano Zapata (exaltación). Veracruz: Tall. Gráf. del Gobierno de Veracruz, 1927.

—. Polonia en mi cariño, 1964.

—. Tres obras del teatro revolucionario. México: Ediciones Integrales, 1933.

—. 5 Comedias del Laboratorio Teatral del Departamento de Bellas Artes. México: SEP, 1935.

—.Troka el Poderoso. Cuentos infantiles de Germán List Arzubide. México: Ediciones de El Nacional, 1939.

Julio. Revista Horizonte. 1926.



How to Cite

Téllez, Daniel. 2020. “The Vital Intensity of the Last Stridentist”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 2 (1):103-10.
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