Dante’s Beatriz: subject of a poem and handbook of Philosophy





Dante Alighieri, Beatriz, Philosophy, Theology, Vita nuova, Commedia, Dolce stil novo, Scholastic, Christianism


Dante belonged to a poets group known as Dolce stil novo, based on the courtly love guidelines. Throughout his work we observe that the courtly ideals are spared to make way for a philosophy of love closely linked to the Christianism. From Vida nueva and all through the Comedia, Beatriz comes along with Dante, firstly, as a divinized human presence and, once in the Heaven, as a philosophical voice, specialised in theology.


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Author Biography

Fernando Ibarra-Chávez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

He holds a Ph. D. in Hispanic Literature from El Colegio de México A. C., where he also studied the translator’s training curriculum (Italian- Spanish). He holds a bachelor´s degree in Language and Modern Literature (Italian Literature), as well as being specialized in Art History at UNAM. Currently, he works in Philosophy and Literature Faculty at UNAM providing research, theory, literary criticism and literary history workshops to the Modern Literature major in the Literature postgraduate studies. He is part of the SNI in Mexico.

His research lines are the arts, Literatures and Mexican Criticism from the XIX and XX centuries. Among his recent work, it stands out a bilingual anthology from Rhymes by Giovanni Boccaccio (México: UNAM-Almadía, 2018); the critic edition from Obras XI. Poesía (1850-1892), by José Tomás de Cuéllar (México: UNAM, 2020), and  Escritores de imágenes y pintores de discursos. Literatura y crítica de arte en la prensa cultural de México. 1900-1930 (México: UNAM, 2020). To these written pieces, there are added specilaised articles in Medieval Italian Literature, particularly, about Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Bocaccio. In 2016, he was awarded the “Premio Hispanoamericano Lya Kostakowsky de Ensayo de Literatura Hispánica”.


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Pena, Pilar. 2013. “La explicación de la ‘quaestio’ en teología.” Helmantica: Revista de filología clásica y hebrea 65, no. 192: 251-263.

Pinto, Raffaele. 2021. “Beatriz/Antibeatriz.” En Divina comedia. Infierno de Dante Alighieri, editado por Rossend Arqués Corominas, Chiara Capuccio, Carlota Cattermole Ordóñez, Raffaele Pinto, Juan Ignacio Varela Portas de Orduña y Eduard Vilella Morató. Traducido por Raffaele Pinto, LXII-LXXII. Madrid: Ediciones Akal.

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How to Cite

Ibarra-Chávez, Fernando. 2022. “Dante’s Beatriz: Subject of a Poem and Handbook of Philosophy”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3 (2):37-48. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesa.26832917e.2022.3.2.208.
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