Social Sciences

Manuscript format

All files must adhere to the following format:

  • Characteristics determined by the journal in a Word file (.docx).
  • 15 to 20 sheets length (from 3750 to 5000 words) including the references. The number of graphs, pictures and tables in the manuscript must be proportional to its extension. These would be delivered separately, in individual files.
  • References and citations in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th.
  • Arial 12 point font size.
  • Double interline spacing.
  • Letter size paper (21.5 cm x 28 cm).
  • 2.5 cm per margin and left-aligned text typographic alignment.
  • All pages must be foliated consecutively starting from the first one.
  • Paragraphs must be easily differentiated by using double space (double Enter-key hit).
  • Citations including more than four lines (block quotation) should be in Arial 10 point font size, 1.5 interline spaced and indented 4 cm. at the left.
  • Writing style must be impersonal, including the acknowledgements.

Preparing the manuscript

Without exception, manuscripts must have the following structure:

1. Title page

The title, concise and informative, must be written in Spanish and English in the first line.

The author’s name (first and last name) must appear in the second line. If several authors involved, their names should be separated by commas. The proposed order of the authors will remain the same as that in the file sent, even when accepted for publishing.

The institution of affiliation, e-mail address, phone number, author’s (or authors’) webpage (if may apply) and Open Researcher and the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) must be located in the third line. The main author’s name, with whom the journal might keep in touch through the whole publishing process if the manuscript is to be accepted, must be marked with an asterisk.

2. Main document

a) Title in Spanish and English, concise and informative (maximum 75 characters, including spaces). The title presented in the first page is the same in the following one.

b) Abstract in Spanish and English (maximum 150 words). Each manuscript must include an abstract. This is a paragraph containing the introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusion or discussion, all synthesized and into a coherent whole.

c) Key words in Spanish and English. Three or five key words (or specialized phrases), derived from the manuscript’s topic, must follow the abstract.

d) Abbreviations. They are to be defined the first time they are mentioned. If this happens in the abstract, they need to be defined again in the text, and acronyms shall be used henceforth. The International System of Units (SI) will be used for measurements.

e) Subheadings. No more than six subheadings per manuscript (maximum 35 characters each, including spaces).

f) References. Maximum 30 references for supplementary content —other articles available online to relate the manuscript to.

g) Words in other languages. Italic font is to be used for variables, genes and non-English words, while bold font for vectors.

h) Equations and special characters. All equations and special characters need to be in a Word normal text or in Symbol font. However, since using the Word’s equations editor makes the equations edition process difficult, it must be avoided whenever possible. Instead, it is suggested working with the MathType editor.

Structure of the manuscript

Modified IMRaD structure will be used (including headlines in bold for each section).

a) Introduction. Taking the question ‘What part of a problem was studied?’ as a starting point, the purpose of the manuscript will be explained, comprising a brief revision of any important references. The objective shall be stated at the end of the introduction. The first paragraph of the text must not be a reference and it will have 150 words maximum.

b) In this section, either b1 or b2 may be used

b1) Materials and methods. Taking the question ‘How was the problem studied?’ into consideration will provide enough data to repeat the inquiry under similar conditions.

b2 ) Methods. The approach to the problem studied will be explained in the manuscript.

Body. In this section, the background, context and arguments, which justify the treatment applied to the research problem, will be exposed. It can include up to six subheadings (maximum 40 characters, considering spaces).

c) Results. They will be stated in the most precise way; in some cases, by means of figures or tables.

d) Discussion. It is necessary to explain how the results are interpreted, as well as its significance in relation to other research papers.

e) Conclusions. The relevance and validity of the manuscript must be explained.

f) Acknowledgements. Total or partial sponsorship, which requires recognition, needs to be mentioned in the briefest manner possible.

g) Tables, figures and artwork, etc.

1. If the manuscript includes images, tables, figures or artwork, these will be presented at the end of the main text in separate sheets. It must be indicated in the text —in parenthesis, with upper case and aqua color— the place where the author considers it appropriate to include them.

2. A short title for each table and figure needs to be given. Notes for the figures are not to have more than 100 words. In the case of contributions which were not explained in the Methods section, no more than 300 words are to be included.

3. Pictures must be submitted separately, in individual JPG files, vector graphics (EPS or AI) or TIFF. They need to have high quality resolution —at least 120 dpi— and a minimum of 16 cm per side measure. RGB or HEX color codes must be used.

4. Tables, diagrams, graphs and figures by own elaboration must be in an editable format inside the Word file or be submitted separately in individual Excel tabs. If they are taken from other source, they need to be scanned in either high or medium resolution (JPG, TIFF or PDF).

5. Graphs must be in an editable format, in individual Excel tabs.