The extraordinary lawmaker in The Social Contract. A Schmittian reading
Legislator, Social contract, Mediation, Civil freedomAbstract
The following article proposes to determine the philosophical-political status of the figure who, in the Social Contract establishes, in some sense, the political community, but does so from an authority “that is nothing”. It aims to demonstrate that the extraordinary Lawmaker functions as a postulate not explicitly recognized by Rousseau and to unravel its argumentative performance through the breakdown of the concept into three moments, whose reciprocate relation generates various aporias: the gnoseological moment, the historical moment, and the practical-revolutionary moment. These three moments enable three typical ways of thinking about the Lawmaker: the censor, the despot / usurper, or the sovereign dictator. The irreconcilability of these three types refers to the difficult, almost insoluble, problem of the origin of political freedom.Downloads
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