Posthuman Literature. Reflections on some Strategies of the Narrative Usage of Artificial Intelligences




Post-human Literature, Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Literature, , Algorithmic Turn, Big Data


This article presents a reflection on the way in which literature has appropriated the challenges of the so-called post-humanism in its various practices, incorporating, beyond its mimetic function, exercises that imply the transformation of creative, critical and investigative functions. derived from its support in technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis. The awareness of the contemporary imperative of a detachment from the anthropocentric vision and the vigilant, responsible and humble attention to the new sensitivities, challenges and possibilities that this condition opens up, are the analytical criteria that guide this reflection. In the first part, nine ways of understanding post-human literatures are presented, without intending to exhaust them, emphasizing the conceptual and practical challenges involved in artificial intelligence support for the creation of texts and literary expressions. In the second part, seven examples of what we consider exercises that illustrate the post-humanist turn in literature are briefly described. In the conclusions we emphasize the implications of an algorithmic turn for culture, the need to attend to empathic artificial intelligences as an imperative for new creative practices, the horizon that quantum computing opens for reflection as a model of human programming and the called to understand, address and extend the new sensitivities and creative and literary spaces that all these circumstances configure for the work of the creator, the researcher and the scholar of literature.


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Author Biographies

Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez-Ruiz, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Writer, professor, and researcher. Holds a master’s degree in Literature by Universidad Javeriana and a Ph.D. in Philology by Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, Spain). Author of three novels (Gabriella Infinita, Debido Proceso y El infierno de Amaury); three books of short stories (Álbum, Ficción y olvido y Crónicas mundanas); and three literary hypermedias (Gabriella Infinita: beca del Ministerio de cultura de Colombia, Golpe de gracia: winner of the first international prize of digital literatura Microsoft/UCM, España y Memorias y caminos, selected for the festival ELO, 2017).

He has published several essay books, among them these ones stand out: Hipertexto y literatura, una batalla por el signo en tiempos posmodernos (2000); El relato digital, ¿hacia un nuevo arte narrativo? (2004); Trece motivos para hablar de cibercultura (2004); and Narratopedia, reflexiones sobre narrativa digital, creación colectiva y cibercultura (2010). Also, he is author of numerous articles published in national and international magazines. Researcher in the areas of narratology, digital stories, cyberculture and virtual education. He has been professor for 30 years in the areas of Colombian literature, digital and transmedia narratives, theory, and the most recent one, digital humanism and posthumanism.


Daniel Alejandro Rodríguez-García, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Designer, full-time professor in the Interactive Design program at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, master in Creation of Videogames by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Researcher of videogames and the immersive and interactive experiences with new devices.

He was the coordinator of Medialab at Bogotá’s cinematheque where he was the main curator of the MediaExp 2022. He has participated in different projects which involve the usage of new devices like mixed realities and the usage of the gamification in transmedial projects.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Ruiz, Jaime Alejandro, and Daniel Alejandro Rodríguez-García. 2022. “Posthuman Literature. Reflections on Some Strategies of the Narrative Usage of Artificial Intelligences”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 4 (1):59-79.
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