

  • Editorial coordination Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán Mexico



FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN, Perspectives, Scenarios, Resonances, Cornelius Castoriadis


Cornelius Castoriadis, a Greek-French thinker, is the subject that we have dedicated to the Scenarios section of this issue. The essay reflections on the validity, development, and topicality of his texts within the framework of the different aspects that have arisen in the 20th century have been provoked by the autonomy of his ideas and a vast arsenal of categories and concepts that allow an incessant and permanent dialogue.

Seven essays make up the section in which autonomy, imagination, and freedom are meditated and reasoned as the axis of the human condition: “Cornelius Castoriadis: a look about the imaginary”, “Some considerations about the sociohistorical study of the affections in Cornelius Castoriadis”, “The infinite game of human openness. (Castoriadis, as I imagine it)”, “Politics in the Vision of Cornelius Castoriadis”, “Castoriadis and Education, a View from the University Institution”, “The institution of ‘the ethnography method’’” and “The Consciousness of Time as Alienation of the Imaginary”. The imagery, social thinking, psychoanalysis, and ethnography constitute the main themes (although not the only ones) that allow a deployment of thought and its repercussions in each essayist.

The Perspectives and Resonances sections maintain scholarly communication that enables international multidisciplinary research. Three articles offer this reciprocal dialogue in FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN.

“National Museum of Anthropology: Antecedents, Reforms; Teotihuacan Hall and Collection, Part 2: 1948-2004” continues the review of the history of this museum located in Mexico City, focusing on its Teotihuacan collection and the space dedicated to it; “Student Fatigue in Virtual Learning Environments and Active Breaks as a Prevention Strategy” examines the effects of tele-fatigue and proposes solutions to avoid such conditions; and " Exploration of Digital Competences of University Teachers" shares the results of an investigation that analyzes the abilities and skills in digital matters of professors. Lastly, two critical reviews are included, one on the book “Fake news, trolls, and other charms. How (for good or bad) social media works” and their contributions to the field of communication and political science; and "Luis Herrera de la Fuente: Intellectual Creation and Interpretation", an unprecedented interview with the Mexican composer and conductor in which he reflects on the pillars of music and relevant aspects of his career.


FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN provides free and immediate access to its content so its readers freely dispose of research articles, essays, and reviews, with the purpose of be joined in the impetus that the Universidad Autónoma de México is providing to the content exchange of the investigations that are being carried out in the country, through the Open Access model, known as OA as a way to share scientific and academic information without any cost or restriction for the user, and in every article, essay, or review this appears in a unique way.


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How to Cite

coordination, Editorial. 2023. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 4 (2):5.
  • Abstract
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