Whispers of water: mesoamerican urban echoes in the present. The Coatetelco, Morelos and its Serpent-goddess case





Divine-feminine-ancestral urban landscape, feminist-decolonial architecture and urbanism, Mesoamerican oral thought, gynocentric mythology, sacred uterus


The backbone of this essay is focused on the thought of Coatetelco, Morelos through orality. It begins by evoking the peculiar sonority of the word whisper. Then, it goes to the elucidation of the myths as supporting narratives of the wisdom of the people, particularly in the ancestral gynocentric mythology that survives in the community with the objective of placing this mythopoiesis as the generative voices that shaped the urban and architectural.

Lastly, a hermeneutic of the coatetelquenses myths is done in relation to the urban-architectural with the purpose of presenting them as a hopeful philosophical base that can contribute new concepts to the contemporary city and its architecture. Especially, it seeks to promote a convivial living imbued with spirituality and eroticism.


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Author Biography

Bustos Garduño Bustos Garduño, Casa Estudio Sylvia Marcos y Jean Robert, A.C.

Architect and Master in Ciencias de la Arquitectura by the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM). Alongside her professional occupation, as part of the group Amigas Auxiliadoras de Cuernavaca attached to the congregation of Catholic nuns Auxiliadoras del Purgatorio, she organized and participated in several cycles of conferences on Feminist Liberation Theology, where she acquired her feminist awareness and commitment. Dr. in Estudios Críticos de Género from the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), being the first graduate of this program and obtaining an Honorable Mention for her thesis Erótica callejera y cartografías del deseo: Una exploración a las experiencias de mujeres en las configuraciones espaciales de Coatetelco, Morelos.


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How to Cite

Bustos Garduño, Bustos Garduño. 2024. “Whispers of Water: Mesoamerican Urban Echoes in the Present. The Coatetelco, Morelos and Its Serpent-Goddess Case”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 5 (2):99-108. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesa.26832917e.2024.5.2.333.
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