Multidisciplinary Dialogue of Knowledge, Season 2: the Challenge of the Blank Page in a Research Project




Collaborative discussion, Academic writing, Stages of a research process, Work plan, Identifying the problem


Through the Permanent Seminar for Research Dissemination or SEPEDI developed by FES Acatlán, there have been collaborative discussions on academic writing projects which enable researchers to build their self-confidence and their productivity. As part of this seminar, an event was organized to discuss the best practices in regard to the stages of a research process which helps to overcome the possible challenges that researchers face during this process. 


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Author Biographies

  • Ana María Flores-Pérez, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    She holds a Master’s degree in Education and has 16 years of experience as a teacher. She currently works at CCH-Oriente UNAM and has participated in two international conferences.

  • María del Rosario Hernández-Coló, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Doctor of Teaching and Research. She is a professor in the Teaching of English Major. Coordinator of the SEPEDI. 

  • Xóchitl Adriana Hernández-Martínez, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    She holds a Ph.D. in Education. She is a professor at FES Acatlán, member of Comité Académico de Exámenes Orales EGAL-EIN CENEVAL and external advisor for the British Council. Coordinator of the Teaching of English Major. 

  • María Teresa Mosqueda-Moreno, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    She holds a Master’s degree in Pedagogy by FES Acatlán and focuses on distance learning and instructional design. Teacher at FFyL and FES Cuautitlán and member of SEPEDI at FES Acatlán. 

  • Patricia Núñez-González, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Public Administration by FES Acatlán and a master’s degree in Government and Public Matters by UNAM. Candidate to Doctor of Political and Social Sciences with a specialization in Public Administration by UNAM. Professor at FES Acatlán. 

  • Iztzel Pérez-Olivares, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    She holds a Master of Science by Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología of UNAM. She is currently a professor of the subjects Biology 1-4 at CCH Plantel Oriente. 

  • Elvia Mónica Rodríguez-Alonso, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Graphic Design Graduate of the FES Acatlán. She holds a master’s degree in Administration in Postgraduate Organizations by UNAM. She is currently a professor at División de Diseño y Edificación, FES Acatlán. 

  • Rosendo Rodríguez-Sánchez, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    He studied English Literature and the Applied Linguistics master’s degree at UNAM. Professor of English Literature at FES Acatlán and professor of English at Facultad de Química.

  • María del Consuelo Santamaría-Aguirre, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Language and Literature and a master’s degree in Mexico-USA Studies. She is a full-time professor in the Teaching of English Major since 2017. 


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Belcher, Wendy Laura. Cómo escribir un artículo académico en 12 semanas. Guía para publicar con éxito. México: FLACSO, 2010.

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Hernández Sampieri, Roberto, Carlos Fernández Collado, Pilar Baptista Lucio, María Isabel García Espejo, y Susana Limón Cano. Fundamentos de metodología de la investigación. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 2010.

Oyola García, Alfredo Enrique, Mirtha Gabriela Soto Cabezas, y Melisa Pamela Quispe Ilanzo. “La antigüedad de las referencias bibliográficas en publicaciones científicas.” Anales de la Facultad de Medicina 75, no. 4 (octubre-diciembre 2014): 381.

Pinker, Steven. “Lingüística, estilo y escritura en el siglo 21.” The Royal Institution. 28 de octubre, 2015. Video de YouTube, 53:40. Revisado el 31 de mayo, 2021.

Schmelkes, Corina, y Nora Elizondo Schmelkes. Manual para la presentación de anteproyectos e informes de investigación. México: Oxford University Press, 2010.

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  • Abstract 771
  • PDF (Spanish) 219
  • Visor XML (Spanish) 77
  • ePub (Spanish) 109





Critiques (Resonances)

How to Cite

“Multidisciplinary Dialogue of Knowledge, Season 2: The Challenge of the Blank Page in a Research Project”. 2021. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 2 (3): 164-69.
