Artificial Intelligence in Education: from Passive Users to Critic Creators




Artificial Intelligence, Education, Learning, Education in IA, Software


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become in a common place in our lives. It barely surprises us. We already have devices called “intelligent” such as the cellphone, Siri or Alexa. It is talked and even joked with them, like if they were people. In this essay we propose a path to understand, distinguish and make artificial intelligence as a straightforward way, with the purpose of explaining of what this technology consists of in close and colloquial terms. It is about making IA consumers informed and critic with education in this matter. So, websites that allow the use of artificial intelligence to create original and personalized designs are reviewed, and it is explained the learning of the machine with a tool initially oriented to kids through a practical example which facilitates its incursion on this field. Likewise, it offers a brief journey like we make about how it is used nowadays the artificial intelligence in education its advantages and eventual risks. At last, it is concluded that this field has a fast road and its educative institutions in general have to get ready to adopt it in a critical way.



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Author Biographies

  • MariCarmen González-Videgaray, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Actuary by the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She holds a master’s degree in Education and a PhD. in Engineering by the Universidad Anáhuac. She is a Full Time Definite Permanent Professor at FES Acatlán in Actuary, Applied Mathematics and Computation, the Specialization in Digital Technology for Mathematics Teaching, Master’s in Teaching for the High School Education (Mathematics), and the Pedagogy Postgrade. National Researcher level I in the area of Education and Training for Research. Teacher Trainor. Author of books such as: La Independencia Intelectual de los Universitarios como Factor Estratégico del Siglo XXI, La UNAM Digital; Alicia en el País de las Estadísticas con R y Excel; Cien Buenas Prácticas para Usar Moodle; Metodología para la Investigación y Proyectos; entre otros. She has received acknowledgments like the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz of UNAM award in 2012, the international award of the Red de Educación Continua de Latinoamérica y Europa in Brazil in 2019, and the diploma in Excelencia Científica de Autores in Spain 2020. She created, directs, and administrates the virtual environment of learning “InteligenciaNet”. she created and coordinated the diploma course “Ambientes Virtuales y Objetos de Aprendizaje”, with thirteen generations.

    Her main lines of research are the Technologies for Learning, Learning of Research, and Mathematic Education.

  • Rubén Romero-Ruiz, National Autonomous University of Mexico

    He has studies in Computer Engineering and Electronic Systems Engineering both in the Facultad de Ingeniería of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He studied the specialty in Computer Management and the Master’s in Information Technologies in the Facultad de Ingeniería of the Universidad Anáhuac. He assisted to a summer camp of Design in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has been professor in the Facultad de Ingeniería y en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán (UNAM), in the majors of Computer Engineering, Actuary, Data Sciences, and Applied Mathematics and Computation, in the areas of Programming, Databases, Visualization of the Information. Currently he is a major lecturer in UNAM FES Acatlán. Also, gives courses in teacher training in UNAM. He has several publications, among others: La UNAM Digital, y Cien Buenas Prácticas para Usar Moodle, he has articles in other magazines. He has participated in diverse national and international academic events. He participated in the creation of the Applied Mathematics and Computation major, the “Ambientes Virtuales y Objetos de Aprendizaje” diploma course and the specialization in “Digital Technology for Mathematics Teaching”.

    His creator and provides Technical Support to the virtual environment of learning “InteligenciaNet”. He has participated as a lecturer in diverse diploma Crysis in UNAM and the Senate of vet Republic. His job experience has been as so in public sector as in private sector in the development of software.


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How to Cite

“Artificial Intelligence in Education: From Passive Users to Critic Creators”. 2022. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 4 (1): 48-58.


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