Castoriadis and Education, a View from the University Institution




Education, University, Institution, Autonomy


The present text elucidates education as a force of social self-creation on the basis of the powerful and suggestive philosophical contribution of the Greek-French thinker Cornelius Castoriadis. The aim is to use some ideas and intuitions of the author of The Imaginary Institution of Society as a platform to clarify some crucial issues and problems of higher education in today's society. It uses Castoriadis' philosophy in a creative way to rethink our higher education institutions in the face of the crisis of the neo-liberal business model.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Ignacio Ibarra, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
    He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad Iberoamericana Campus Santa Fe, Mexico City (2012) and a MA in Cultural Dissemination from the Faculty of Visual Arts of the UANL. Professor PRODEP profile. He was part of the National System of Researchers (Level 1) from 2018 to 2021. He has worked on issues of folkloric research at the Council for the Arts of Nuevo León, where he published the Socio-Cultural Diagnosis of Nuevo León in 2000. Author of the text "El Regreso de la metafísica y la tradición", published by the FFYL-UANL in 2017. Author of articles in the journals La Valenciana of the University of Guanajuato, Devenires of the UMNSH, Cathedra of the FFYL-UANL, La deleuziana; co-author and editor of "Morismas de Bracho" and "Pensar con Deleuze", coordinated with Sigifredo Esquivel Marín of the UAZ.  He is the director of the CAEC (academic committee "Ethics and Knowledge" nº 408 prodep), and his lines of research are philosophies of immanence and semiotics of culture. He has published in the UANL the text on social research "Con estos pies que la virgen me dio: una investigación socio cultural de la danza de matachines" (With these feet that the Virgin gave me: a socio-cultural research on the dance of matachines). He is a full-time research professor at the FFYL of the UANL. He recently contributed to the collective book "Semiótica del No", where he was responsible for the chapter "Dejar ver/no dejar ver. The ambiguity of passion in the mobile age".  It will be published by Comunicación Científica in 2022. In September 2022, together with other academics and alumni of the FFYL-UANL, he launches a podcast and blog called "Máquina Objeto O".


Arendt, Hannah. 2008. La promesa de la política. Barcelona: Paidós.

Castoriadis, Cornelius. 2007. La institución imaginaria de la sociedad. Buenos Aires: Tusquets.

Dosse, Francois. 2004. Historia del estructuralismo, tomo I. Madrid: Akal.

Newman, John Henry. 2002. Acerca de la idea de Universidad. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Simondon, Gilbert. 2013. Imaginación e invención. Buenos Aires: Cactus.

  • Abstract 373
  • PDF (Spanish) 192
  • Visor XML (Spanish) 208
  • ePub (Spanish) 68





Essays (Scenarios)

How to Cite

“Castoriadis and Education, a View from the University Institution”. 2023. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 4 (2): 144-50.
