



Figuras, Perspectives, Scenarios, Resonances, UNAM


Reflecting on sound, sonority, territory, and memory from multiple lines of research and various disciplines is what characterizes the Scenes section of this issue of FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN.

The four essays explore an uncharted territory within the studies of urbanization in both cities and rural areas: the soundscape." Between the musical and the noise, the spectrum of sound is shown in various layers, sometimes with great auditory evidence and, many times, with the faint texture of the boundaries of silence. Thus, “El sonido como herramienta en la investigación de arquitectura forense,” “La investigación sonora como ejercicio de composición musical,” “Territorio sonoro o los sonidos de la ciudad,” and “Susurros del agua: ecos del urbanismo mesoamericano resonando en el presente. El caso de Coatetelco, Morelos y su Diosa-Serpiente” show a cartography of sounds and the possibilities of the whisper that, faintly, precisely marks semantic fields within architecture.

Therefore, in the essay section, the reader will find a series of texts that can become a tool with a double utility: to function as a method of analysis and as a means of communication about sound experiences in current life.

The Perspectives and Resonances sections maintain the international multidisciplinary academic dialogue. Three articles and two reviews offer an exchange of ideas on novel topics in current research.

“Arturo Reque Meruvia, corresponsal gráfico de guerra. El dibujo como metáfora de lo real” systematically presents what and how was the intense production of the Bolivian artist Arturo Reque Meruvia (1906-1969); in “Las teorías sobre el origen de los partidos políticos y el caso uruguayo,” the genesis of political parties is reflected upon, particularly in Uruguay; and “Reformas educativas en la República Oriental del Uruguay en las décadas de 1870 y 1910. Camino a la construcción del Estado Nación” describes the Uruguayan educational transformations and their contribution to the construction of the country.

Two critical reviews are included: “Sueño, luego existo,” which concisely explores the main proposals of Esther Martínez Luna’s book, Soñadores, espectadores, sabias y pirracas. Figuras y discursos literarios en los albores del siglo XIX en México, in order to understand the supports of enlightened discourses in early 19th-century Mexico; and in “Métodos digitales: la mirada vigente de Richard Rogers ante la tecnología contemporánea,” the content of the book Digital Methods is described and analyzed, highlighting the most relevant aspects for communication specialists.

FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN provides free and immediate access to its content so its readers freely dispose of research articles, essays, and reviews, with the purpose of be joined in the impetus that the Universidad Autónoma de México is providing to the content exchange of the investigations that are being carried out in the country, through the Open Access model, known as OA as a way to share scientific and academic information without any cost or restriction for the user, and in every article, essay, or review this appears in a unique way.


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How to Cite

coordination, Editorial. 2024. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 5 (2).
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)

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