

  • Editorial coordination Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán image/svg+xml Mexico



FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN, Philosophic thought, Perspectives, Scenarios, Resonances


The philosophic thought constitutes the Escenas section where discussion about methodologies, authors, concepts, and genealogy of philosophical discourse categories is generated.

Five essays comprise the section in which in an accurate and not exempt of questioning manner the traditions and concepts that had lost their inertia; in this way “Genealogías del ejercicio mexicano del pensamiento filosófico”, ““Reflejos y reflexiones. Un punto de vista de la poesía de Margarita Paz Paredes”, “La emergencia de la "filosofía mexicana"”, “Una lectura ecocrítica a la relación naturaleza y ser humano en La perra de Pilar Quintana” and “Alberto T. Arai y la filosofía del cine” test the diversity of the research processes of the Mexican philosophic thought or in Mexico (with this complex disjunctive), in an interesting disjunctive about a discourse history and its development/ fulfillment.

The Perspectivas and Resonancias continue in constant academic communication that allow the international and multidisciplinary research. Three articles offer this reciprocal dialog in FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN and three critiques present future research topics.

In “Anástasis del diorama de la cacería del mamut” a reflection about how this scene of Mexican prehistory materialized plastically, and how it turned in a powerful image of that period; “Mercado laboral de profesionistas en México en el 2022: análisis mediante un modelo multicriterio jerárquico” a test is conducted in order to generate a classification of professional careers in or country, it is based in performance and job market; and “Construction Practitioners’ Awareness post Covid-19 in Developing Countries” it analyzes the awareness and construction practices applied by practitioners in developing countries after the Coronavirus pandemic. Finally, three critiques are included: “La religiosidad indígena y el pecado original” is a reflection about the contributions of anthropologic studies of the book Los pecados de la carne en el Nuevo Mundo. La visión española del indio americano; “Pasajes del proceso científico develados” presents the contento of the book Delimitación del problema y la pregunta de investigación and emphasize those that give its own character, lastly, “Entropía: mal de amores organizacional. Hacia una retroacción comunicativa o de cómo el home office cambió nuestra forma de comunicar el amor” studies the organizational communication in both areas social-business and at home.

FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN provides free and immediate access to its content so its readers freely dispose of research articles, essays, and reviews, with the purpose of be joined in the impetus that the Universidad Autónoma de México is providing to the content exchange of the investigations that are being carried out in the country, through the Open Access model, known as OA as a way to share scientific and academic information without any cost or restriction for the user, and in every article, essay, or review this appears in a unique way.


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How to Cite

coordination, Editorial. 2023. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 4 (3):5.
  • Abstract
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  • Visor XML (Español)

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