

  • Editorial coordination Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán Mexico





FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN sets and builds up –through an act of writing– the act of transforming, tracing or representing in each publication the findings that authors lay on each of the three sections covered in this publication.

The magazine has gone through different paths that trace, each time more clearly, its multidisciplinary profile from the three sections presented in each edition: Perspectives, Scenarios and Resonances.

This issue offers, in the essays section, outstanding reflections on the intellectual work that Pablo González Casanova has carried out over several decades at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, his alma mater, and in the sociological discipline. His book Democracy in Mexico has become a fundamental text in political and social sciences and the texts in this issue show his importance in the analysis of political structure, not only in Mexico, but also in Latin America.
The creation of Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH) and Open University System is not left out. In addition, both the articles and reviews sections profound aspects of multidisciplinary research that opens paths to continue the international academic dialogue.

In this issue, the Perspectives section publishes three articles demonstrating the multidisciplinary development of FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN. “National Museum of Anthropology: Background, Reforms; Teotihuacan Room and Collection, Part 1 1825-1947” is an in-depth review of the history of what is now called the National Museum of Anthropology; “Proposal for Regeneration Actions for the San Miguel Hila Glen, Nicolás Romero, Estado de México” records the current water pollution conditions of the San Miguel Hila Glen and proposes an environmental regeneration plan; and “Frontier intellectuals: the Horizontal Knowledge Networks of the National Council of Science and Technology-Mexico” retrieves the experiences of researchers who received funding from the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt for its initials in Spanish)- Mexico.

In the section Scenarios, five essays are grouped on the intellectual importance of Pablo González Casanova: “Interdiscipline and Complexity. The Arrival of the Techno-sciences and the Experience in the CEIICH”, “On the Immediate Reception of La democracia en México by Pablo González Casanova”, “Pablo González Casanova and the Prodigy of the Time”, “Pablo Gonzalez Casanova and His Legacy at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales” and “Back to La democracia en México. Reflections in the Time of the Social Media Platforms”.

Finally, Resonances includes the critical reviews “The Needed University of the 21st Century by Pablo González Casanova”, proposes a reading of González Casanova’s book of essays based on the evolution of theoretical development that sociology has observed; “Repatriation of the Baptismal Font (18th Century) of the Misión de Caborca, Sonora”, reviews the process of restitution of pieces of the cultural heritage of northern Mexico that were abroad; and finally, “Los estudios de la audiencia. De la tradición a la innovación (Research on Audiences. From tradition to innovation)” is a journey through the different chapters that comprise this work: the conceptual theoretical debate, areas of application, methodology, scope, and limitations.


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How to Cite

coordination, Editorial. 2022. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 3 (3).
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