

  • Editorial coordination Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán Mexico





The essay section of this number is dedicated to reflecting about the development and application of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in different fields of knowledge. Having the unobjectionable increase in its application, also the analysis, compliments, and concerns about the implications that AI has on education, arts, science and so many other possibilities have started It is indeed their undeniable qualities, but for its incipient progress, there are specific peculiarities that offer topics of discussion in several fields.

In Scenes are grouped the four essays that investigate, show and display the possibilities of the application (with advantages and inconveniences) of the AI: “Inteligencia artificial en educación: De usuarios pasivos a creadores críticos”, “Literaturas posthumanas. Reflexiones en torno a algunas estrategias del uso narrativo de las inteligencias artificiales”, “La IA en el borde del fin del mundo” y “El espejo digital”. As it can show, the four essays have the purpose of highlighting the usage perspectives of artificial intelligence – with its possible consequences – from education, literature, plastic arts, and the reproduction of human activity in the digital world.

At the same time, the sections Perspectives and Resonances continue with the international academic dialogue to not interrupt the multidisciplinary research. Three articles offer this interaction in FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN.

“The Conflict Concerning the Ethical and Aesthetic View of tò kalón in Xenophon’s Symposium” proposes that Xenophon’s Symposium es a good scenario to explore the complexities between the different aspects of tò kalón; “La didáctica híbrida en proyectos integradores de Diseño Gráfico” points out the instrumentation of integrating projects as part of learning; and “Célestin Freinet: sabiduría y tecnología como pedagogía” spotlights two main elements: wisdom, with educative activity as it aim, and technology. Lastly, there are included three critical reviews: “Antología de documentos para la historia de la arqueología de Teotihuacan” retrieves the most important documentary work of the archaeologist Roberto Gallegos Ruiz; “Los problemas de la verdad en las humanidades. Valoraciones críticas del libro: Verdades a medias” it is a group critical review of the collective study edited by Sandra Ramirez and Carolina Depetris, entitled Verdades a medias; and in “Seminario permanente “Retórica, Literatura y Docencia” en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México” it is reflected about the possibilities of application of rhetoric in the teaching practice, particularly in literature teaching.

FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN provides free and immediate access to its content so its readers freely dispose of research articles, essays, and reviews, with the purpose of be joined in the impetus that the Universidad Autónoma de México is providing to the content exchange of the investigations that are being carried out in the country, through the Open Access model, known as OA as a way to share scientific and academic information without any cost or restriction for the user, and in every article, essay, or review this appears in a unique way.


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How to Cite

coordination, Editorial. 2022. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 4 (1).
  • Abstract
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