

  • Coordinación editorial Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán Mexico



Figūras, Perspectives, Scenarios, Resonances


FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN designates –through an act of writing– the act of transforming, tracing and representing in each publication the findings that authors lay on each one of the three sections covered in this publication. With a continuous reflection of the current intellectual and sensory contour in the various fields of knowledge, we present nine texts and an image gallery that complements the figurative construction of this issue.

Perspectives (section that comprises original and unpublished research articles) contains the text Leopoldo Zea and his philosophical discourse against marginality (1948-1953) in which Emilio Reyes-Ruiz does a critical and precise review regarding the appearance of marginality as a topic in several of the Mexican philosopher writings.

Scenarios (site intended for figuralization), presents four essays which present diverse relationships and constructions with science. What does seeking for solutions imply? from Óscar de la Borbolla is a text that reflects on what others have searched and contributed -artifices and thoughts- to satisfy our needs; Pedro Poitevin establishes the confluence of disciplines that at first sight seem dissimilar and that is quite close in his writing Science, Mathematics, and Poetry. In A neuroscientific approach to linguistic relativity, Fernanda Pérez-Gay-Juárez goes through the studies of Categorical perception and Category learning in the field of neuroscience; finally, The metaphor as a thoroughness space by Alicia García-Bergua explores how science and poetry are possible through a symbolic mind with the metaphor at the centre of this stop to think.

Minute panoramas is a visual essay where the amplitude of the small becomes a faint visual oxymoron, but, though subtle, it does not lose its intensity in presenting the various perspectives that Leonardo Cardoso, Jonnathan Castillo, Ariana Zavala Moreno and El Humedal offer.

Resonances (section dedicated to critical reviews). Two views of the same plague by Armando González-Torres reflects on the diaries of two English writers: Samuel Pepys and Daniel Defoe about the epidemic that struck London with the astonishing topicality of the moment we live. Intellectual Independence of the university community: Strategic factor of the 21st century by MariCarmen González-Videgaray, Mayra Elizondo-Cortés, Rubén Romero-Ruiz, Mayra Lorena Díaz-Sosa and The school fabric. A proposal for educational research by Fernando Martínez-Vázquez are two reviews of research work carried out at UNAM. The first one explains how it is possible to develop critical thinking and building knowledge, the second Project explains the researches that have been useful to understand the social and cultural phenomena related to students and teachers. In Use of Machine Learning techniques in the CMS experiment by Cristina Oropeza-Barrera it is explained the main applications of Automated Machine Learning, particularly of Artificial Neural Networks.

FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN provides free and immediate access to its content so that research articles, essays and reviews are available, free of charge in order to join the promotion that the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is giving to the exchange of research content carried out in the country, through Open Access (OA) template, understood as a way of sharing scientific information at no cost or restriction for the user and in which each article, essay or review appears in a unique way.


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How to Cite

editorial, Coordinación. 2020. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 1 (3):5-5.
  • Abstract
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  • ePub (Español)

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