

  • Coordinación editorial Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán Mexico



Figūras, Perspectives, Scenarios, Resonances


FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN sets and builds up –through an act of writing- the act of transforming, tracing or representing in each publication the findings that authors lay on each of the three sections covered in this publication. The beginning of a new (second) volume for the journal was outlined by the thought, reflection and pointing out of knowledge or events related to the field of legal knowledge in the essays section.

Perspectives (Section that comprises original and unpublished research papers). In the first place from our research perspectives we introduce Sound utopias: stumbling blocks and dangers of idealized music by Ricardo Miranda which shows us the role that music played in the Utopia of Thomas More. In a second place, Explorations and Reconstructions in Teotihuacan 1960-1962: Interventions Prior to the "Teotihuacán Project" by José Humberto Medina-González, a research which presents findings towards a territorial identity retrieval.

Scenarios (Site intended for figuralization) The gaze of Alicia Florrick: About The Good Wife and the necessary feminization of the practice of Law by Juan Jesús Garza-Onofre is an approach to the role of women in the legal world from a modern perspective starting from a streaming TV series; International Law of Cultural Rights by Erika Flores-Déleon reflects on the importance of visualizing and naming one of the most important rights in humanity: culture; Prisons and their consequences by Paola Zavala-Saeb questions the administration of prisons in Mexico and whether they achieve their objectives on social reinsertion as a constitutional mandate; whilst Environmental justice a way forward the deconstruction of property rights by Alma Rocío Segoviano-Basurto is the very first essay that the magazine publishes in English, and addresses one of the main topics from the international agenda in matters of law: the environmental.

Resonances (Section dedicated to critical reviews). Oceanic Exchanges-Mexico. Tracing Global Information Networks In Historical Newspaper Repositories, 1840-1914 by Rocío Castellanos-Rueda is the review of an international project that offers a new perspective in the work with digital repositories of different countries; The Vital Intensity of the Last Stridentist by Daniel Téllez shows us the role that Germán List Arzubide played in an avant-garde that, although ephemeral, dealt with the desires that the post-revolutionary Mexico had for social vindication from a literary movement. For its part, May We Never Lack Poetry: High Flight, High Life of Altazor by Marco Antonio Bojorquez-Martínez is a review of a Chilean literary magazine that pays homage to the Chilean poet, Vicente Huidobro, by publishing Latin-American poetry. Dimensions of the literature culture in Mexico (1800-1850). Models of sociability, materialities, genres and intellectual traditions by Gamaliel Valentín-González reviews a book that shows the multiple factors that influenced the formation of Mexican literary culture during the first half of the 19th century and inaugurates Historia de las literaturas en México (a six-volume collection promoted by UNAM, among other institutions). Finally, Science Made Into Poetry. Principia by Elisa Díaz Castelo by Alejandro Rodríguez is a review of a poet’s book of poems that manges to mix scientific and poetic language with a great skill, novelty and creativity.

FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN provides free and immediate access to its contents so that research articles, essays and reviews are available, free of charge in order to join the promotion that the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is giving to the exchange of research content carried out in the country, through Open Access (OA) template, understood as a way of sharing scientific information at no cost or restriction for the user and in which each article, essay or review appears in a unique way.


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How to Cite

editorial, Coordinación. 2021. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 2 (1):5-5.
  • Abstract
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  • ePub (Español)

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