

  • Coordinación editorial Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán Mexico



Resonances, Scenarios, Perspectives


FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN designates -by means of the act of writing- the process of transforming, delineating or representing in its publications the research findings that participants set forth in each of the three sections contemplated within the journal.

Perspectives, the section that gather original and unpublished research articles, consist of three contributions in the current issue. The first two problematize the relationship between the generation processes of historical and cultural knowledge, and its political applications. These address the methodological selection of such dissimilar angles of sight that range from an erudite work burden in charge of an editorial body, the declaration of world heritage by an international organization to the lack of a State policy implementation in the protection of heritage, which allows us to glimpse the complexity and challenges of a field of research that is not only pertinent, but even urgent. The third collaboration has to do with the precise inquiry into the metaphor to show the philosophical exercise of the logos unveiling through displays by means of viewers whereby the inscrutable quality of thought is exhibited.

Scenarios, site called on figuralization, contains two essays which encompass the geopolitical situation of developing countries in light of the displacement of the British Empire hegemony –during the 19th century until the First World War– to the United States and finally towards China, whose growing dominance could not be counteracted by the American tariff war strategy. In this scenario, Hong Kong and Latin America are classified as portions of the world whose fates depend more on the prevailing world order than on the demands expressed by social movements. At the same time, the field of politics is revealed as the regulatory entity of forces.

Resonances, section consisting of critical reviews, brings together two writings that ponder the recurring nature of literary and cultural magazines, regarding the memory temporality and about its place of contemporary thinking experience and exhibition. The study of magazines and the memories they arouse, brings forth the reflection on the contrastive analysis of cultural dynamics and political processes, either those that put forth all their effort into the avant-garde movements or into those who have documented the migrations social phenomenon, specifically migrations to Mexico. The third paper reviews a research project that has as its epicenter the analysis of global economic policy and its implications on Latin America's economic growth as consequence of the impact that implies the economic management deprivation from government bodies. Finally, the fourth review is inserted into the social research of culture and invites us to delve into the range of possibilities within literature in a means where the word no longer lies down the ear or on paper, but on digital platforms.

FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN provides free and immediate access to its content so that research articles, essays and reviews are available, free of charge, in order to join the promotion that the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is giving to the exchange of research content carried out in the country, through the Open Access (OA) template, understood as a way of sharing scientific information at no cost or restriction for the user and in which each article , essay or review features in an unique way.


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How to Cite

editorial, Coordinación. 2020. “Presentation”. FIGURAS REVISTA ACADÉMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 1 (2):5-5.
  • Abstract
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  • ePub (Español)

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